Aesthetic Surgery

Does your face portray the person you want the world to see? Have you wondered if a Face Lift, Brow Lift, Neck Lift or some other procedure are for you? Do you radiate health, confidence and attractiveness? If you’re affected by aging, have a facial feature you don’t like, or simply want to look more attractive and need advice about the best strategy for improvement Dr. Haddle can help. During your consultation, he will get to know you and learn about what brought you here. After hearing your concerns, Dr. Haddle will provide you with a thorough treatment plan based on your needs.

Your safety and convenience are important to us. Procedures are performed in our operatory suite which is complete with a homelike recovery room and designed to facilitate personal attention geared toward enhancing recovery.

This means looking beyond the obvious and pulling from his extensive maxillofacial and aesthetic surgery background to address the facial area foundation, soft tissue and skin. Both male and female patients have found Dr. Haddle’s guidance very helpful in deciding which procedure/s are right for them. Our most popular aesthetic surgical procedures include:


Deeper Plane Face Lift
The deeper plane face lift is a newer face lift that is less traumatic and resuspends facial muscles and tissues at a deeper level than in the traditional face lift. This provides a more stable and youthful foundation for the overlying skin. Because the foundation has been rejuvenated, skin does not need to be pulled taut like in older procedures and results last much longer. Less stress is placed on the skin for a more natural look. It’s also the only face lift that lifts the eyes. If you want a face lift known for avoiding problems such as unnaturally tight skin, short term results, an altered hairline, earlobes that don’t hang naturally and distortion of the mouth, you owe it to yourself to learn about the deeper plane face lift. Only 10% of cosmetic surgeons are trained and experienced at performing this procedure, Dr. Haddle is one of them.

Patients can return to most of their normal activities in about 8 – 10 days and are able to hide remaining bruising and swelling with concealer within a week.

Endoscopic Brow Lift
The brow lift is frequently can be performed in conjunction with a face lift in order to rejuvenate the upper third of the face and return brows to a more youthful position.

Eyelid Enhancement
The eyelids are one of the first places age shows. An eye lift addresses eyes that are puffy, have sagging skin and look tired even when you are well rested. Eyelid surgery can remove sagging eyelid skin, eyelid fat bags and reduce dark circles under the eyes.

Cheek Augmentation
Cheek augmentation, or cheek implants, restore fullness to the cheeks, balance facial structure, highlight the eyes and define the face.

Ear Contouring/Repair
Ear contouring, or otoplasty can reposition the ears closer to the head, make them smaller, improve their shape and correct congenital abnormalities.

Neck Lift
A neck lift is often performed in conjunction with a face lift, liposuction or a chin implant. It results in a more balanced face and defined neck and jawline.

Chin Augmentation/Repair
Chin implants help balance the face and can create an immediate and dramatic transformation. They do so by improving the underlying structure of the face, which strengthens a weak chin.